Local Red Sox scholarship application now open

The Boston Red Sox Foundation will award $5,000 scholarships in the spring to one deserving student from each of the 15 public high schools in Lee County. Lee County charter and ALS schools are also included with one $5,000 scholarship to be awarded, for a total of 16 scholarships worth $80,000.
The scholarships are for academically talented students who have shown a commitment to community service and are pursuing a two- or four-year degree at any college or university.
Scholarship funds are raised annually from proceeds of the Red Sox annual Swings for the Sox Golf Tournament. To date, it has raised $530,000 for the scholarship program.
Applications are open at https://www.redsoxfoundation.org/leecountyscholarship/.
Applications should be submitted to flscholarships@redsox.com.
The deadline to apply is Jan. 12.