After School, Teen After School programs taking registrations

Registration is open for the 2019-2020 After School Program for kindergarten to fifth grade and the 2019-2020 Teen After School Program for sixth to eighth grade at the Sanibel Recreation Center.
The elementary school-aged program will run Monday through Friday from 2:10 to 5 p.m. during the school year. Every child registered will receive a one year complimentary membership to the center.
Offered again this year will be trimester payment options.
The middle school-aged program will run Monday through Friday from 2:10 p.m. to 5 p.m. Teens will enjoy a variety of on- and off-property activities each school week, including but not limited to:
– Homework research days at the Sanibel Public Library
– Island Cinema film series
– Entry level conditioning clinics hosted in the center’s weight room
– Educational island beach days in collaboration with the Sanibel Sea School
– Daily use of the center after-school amenities
– Community service opportunities
Transportation for island activities will be provided via the city van.
A full schedule will be available at the center’s front desk.
The registration fees and deadlines are as follows:
Full school year:
– Early bird rates: $1,003 for members and $1,254 for non-members; register by Aug. 9
– Regular rates: $1,204 for members and $1,505 for non-members; register on or after Aug. 10
Fall trimester (Aug. 12 to Nov. 8):
– Early bird rates: $335 for members and $419 for non-members; register by Aug. 9
– Regular rates: $402 for members and $502 for non-members; register on or after Aug. 10
Full school year:
– Early bird rates: $525 for members and $656 for non-members; register by Aug. 9
– Regular rates: $630 for members and $788 for non-members; register on or after Aug. 10
Fall trimester (Aug. 12 to Nov. 8):
– Early bird rates: $176 for members and $219 for non-members; register by Aug. 9
– Regular rates: $211 for members and $263 for non-members; register on or after Aug. 10
Financial assistance is available to families of program participants based upon individual need. For information, visit or call the Sanibel Recreation Center at 239-472-0345.
Daily, weekly and annual memberships are available at the center.
For more information, call 239-472-0345 or visit
The Sanibel Recreation Center is at 3880 Sanibel-Captiva Road.