
Trimming now can help prevent prolonged power outages

2 min read
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Lee County has had a very wet start to storm season. Although we all have our fingers (and toes) crossed for a calm storm season, there is no telling what might come our way.

While LCEC is prepared for anything Mother Nature has to bring, it urges all residents to trim overgrown trees and branches growing near power lines. Vegetation poses a serious risk to power lines during high-wind storms.

As a guideline, there should be an 8- to 10-foot clearance on either side between tree branches and power lines, and there should be a 10-foot clearance between the top of trees and the primary power line. Any branches within this range near power lines should be pruned or removed.

Keep the following in mind when trimming vegetation:

– Do not remove or trim branches that are touching power lines. Touching a tree that is in contact with a power line can lead to serious injuries or death. If a tree touching a power line is burning or sparking, contact LCEC immediately at 239-656-2300.

– When trimming or cutting trees, be sure they fall away from power lines.

– Trim dead or weak branches from the trees around the home even if they are far away from power lines. Strong winds could make these branches deadly projectiles.

If you feel uneasy trimming vegetation around your home, residents are urged to hire a licensed tree trimming company that is certified to work around power lines. LCEC also utilizes professional trimmers, trained in safety practices to trim trees in utility easements or trees contacting power lines. They trim trees along power lines on a regular maintenance cycle.

LCEC also responds to specific customer requests if trees in the area pose an immediate threat to safety or to the reliability of electric service.

Source: LCEC