
Shell museum project pushing forward

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The Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum recently reported that the 50 yards of grey (asphalt) has now been spruced up with lots and lots of native trees, shrubs and ground covers. It took a lot of work by Leigh Gevelinger, of Coastal Vista Design, and the crew at R.S. Walsh Landscaping. The new irrigation and nightly thunderstorms will ensure that it grows in well and looks lush and inviting far into the future. In addition, the museum recently celebrated its independence from rebar. It now has an about 9-inch new, reinforced concrete slab for its first floor. Soon the walls will go up. And, staff is able to get back to their third floor offices. The museum is scheduled to reopen in mid-July with a limited capacity, while the new aquarium is set to open in early 2020. The Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum is at 3075 Sanibel-Captiva Road, Sanibel.