Call for artists for ArtFest Fort Myers 2020

ArtFest Fort Myers is currently accepting applications from professional artists for participation in its 2020 juried show. Featuring the work of 200 artists, it takes place on the first weekend in February.
Why apply to participate at ArtFest Fort Myers? (bold)
Creating an artwork-selling festival for artists is the focus of its year-round staff, with 20 years of consistent management. Targeting art buyers throughout Southwest Florida and beyond – from Marco Island to Sarasota and east to West Palm Beach – its promotional campaign includes all forms of media. It also understands the importance of providing great artist amenities over festival weekend, to ensure that the artists are stress free and ready to share their work with the dedicated attendees.
How are festival artists chosen? (bold)
Each October, ArtFest Fort Myers brings together a panel of professional artists who view submitted images and score each applying artist on a range of 1-7 points. The artists with the highest scores are then invited to participate in ArtFest. The Jury Panel varies each year but always represents a broad base of expertise with regard to artistic mediums – theirs is the difficult task of evaluating who is the “best-ofthe-best” from the hundreds of artists who wish to join ArtFest Fort Myers.
For Artist Application information, contact ArtFest Fort Myers at 239-768-3602, email or visit the website at