
Moon Snail Mystery Week, more at Sanibel Sea School

1 min read
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PHOTO PROVIDED Addie Barron discovered that horseshoe crab exoskeletons can also make great hats at the Sanibel Sea School's summer camp.

The Sanibel Sea School’s Moon Snail Mystery Week campers spent five days learning about Sanibel’s fascinating gastropods. They played gastropod-inspired games, made moon snail crafts, and explored the island searching for signs of snail predation.

At the organization’s Canterbury School campus in Fort Myers, young Bright and Brainy Dolphin Week participants blew bubbles like playful dolphins, played echolocation tag, and practiced their dolphin calls. Meanwhile, teens enjoyed a stand up paddleboarding and survival camp and a fishing camp.

As usual, there was also plenty of surfboard paddling, macram tying, and time spent friends.

Summer camps are scheduled for children ages 4-18, and scholarships are available.

The Sanibel Sea School is a non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the ocean’s future, one person at a time. For more information, visit or call 239-472-8585.