Annual Road Rally accepting registrations, sponsor
The Sanibel-Captiva Optimist Club’s annual July 4th event celebrates 40 years of fun for teams and families as they puzzle out the clues while following a prescribed driving course around Sanibel.
For the Sanibel-Captiva Road Rally, prizes will be awarded for correct time and mileage and for the most correct answers to the quiz about things seen along the route – it is not necessary or recommended that participants leave their vehicles, except at the prescribed rest stop. Also, prizes will be awarded for the best decorated vehicle, the team coming from the farthest location, and the team finishing last. A “50/50 raffle” will also be available.
Form a team – a driver, navigator and spotters are usual. Then fill in the entry form found at Bailey’s General Store, the Sanibel Cafe or Sanibel-Captiva Community Bank or in island newspapers; it is also available online at Mail the form in with this year’s pre-registration entry fee of $40 to San-Cap Optimist Club, P.O. Box 1370, Sanibel, FL 33957. Forms will also be accepted day of at the starting line for a $45 registration fee; credit cards are accepted.
The entry fee includes: car, driver, navigator, unlimited crew, and one official T-shirt; additional T-shirts will be available for $15.
The number of vehicle entries is limited to 50.
Following the end of the Sanibel parade, the rally starting times are every two minutes beginning at noon from the parking lot at Timbers Restaurant, at 703 Tarpon Bay Road, Sanibel. The rally also ends there for the “afterglow” party. Early registrants can select their starting time by calling Randy Carson at 239-699-8739.
As usual, all vehicles will be ranked at the finish by points awarded for the most correct answers to the rally questions based on sights seen along the designated route, for a finishing time closest to the committee’s calculated times, for the distance driven closest to pre-determined route distance, and extra points for other answers. Clues to extra credit answers will be published in island newspapers in the weeks prior to the rally. Copies of the newspapers will be provided in the package of instructions given to each entry immediately at each vehicle start. Significant prizes are awarded to the winners.
Each year the rally committee selects its choice of the Best Decorated Vehicle entered.
The proceeds will provide funds for the Sanibel-Captiva Optimist Club’s six college scholarships and many other benefits for local youth.
Tiered sponsorships are still available for tax-free donations of $100 or more.
For more information about the event or on registering, or to become an event sponsor, contact Randy Carson at 239-699-8739, Richard McCurry at 239-292-4631 or Dani Howard at 239-472-0836.