
Sea Dogs take spring softball league championship

3 min read
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PHOTO PROVIDED Team Doc Ford Sea Dog won the 2019 spring Co-Ed Softball League tournament.
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PHOTO PROVIDED Team Whitney’s Bait and Tackle took second place in the tournament.

The team Doc Ford Sea Dogs won the 2019 spring Co-Ed Softball League tournament.

On May 22, the season-ending tournament was played at the Sanibel Ball Fields.

For the playoff games, the first one pitted team Knuckleheads against the Doc Ford Sea Dogs.

“It was pretty competitive until the Sea Dogs took over in about the fourth inning,” Char Durand, program coordinator at the Sanibel Recreation Center, said. “They scored six runs in the fourth to pull away.”

The Sea Dogs came out on top 16-6.

“It was a well played game by both teams,” she added.

In the second playoff game, team Bailey’s faced off against team Whitney’s Bait & Tackle.

“The first two innings were close,” Durand said, adding that the inning-ending scores were 5-5, 5-8 and then 9-17. “Whitney’s had a big inning in the third. From there on out, Bailey’s didn’t score again.”

Whitney’s took the win 23-9.

For the championship game, the Sea Dogs and Whitney’s went head-to-head.

She noted that going into the tournament the two teams had gone up against one another three times in the regular season play, with each winning one game and the third game ending in a tie for them.

“They are two very equal teams,” Durand said. “They are well matched for each other.”

The game started low scoring for the first few innings, but quickly picked up.

“The Sea Dogs scored nine runs in the fourth inning. From there Whitney’s was down, but they started making up runs and getting it close,” she said, adding that it got up to 17-14 in the Sea Dogs favor.

“The bases were loaded with two outs and Whitney’s was at the plate with the ability to score and they got their third out,” Durand continued. “Then the Sea Dogs got their third out (without scoring).”

The Sea Dogs stayed on top, winning the championship 17-14.

She noted that it was a beautiful night to play with the weather holding out.

“We started slow this season because we had two rainouts right off the bat,” Durand said. “But it was one of the most enjoyable seasons we’ve had in a long time. Quality teams and quality play all around.”

The fall Co-Ed Softball League will begin in October.

“We welcome any teams that want to come and join us,” she said.

For the summer, the Sanibel Recreation Center is hosting an Adult 3-on-3 Basketball League on Thursday nights. The games will start on June 6, with a season-ending tournament on July 25.

For more information or to find a team, contact Char Durand at 239-472-0345.