
Tournament, shootout to benefit Songs and Stories for Soldiers

2 min read
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Songs and Stories for Soldiers and The Dunes Golf and Tennis Club on Sanibel will present the Veterans Memorial Tournament and Veterans Memorial Tournament Shootout on May 19.

Kicking off with a shotgun start at 9 a.m., the event will include a round of golf, cart fee, lunch and prizes, including a $5 million shootout. Five players will have one shot to each win $1 million.

Also, 50-50 raffle tickets will be sold the morning of the event and mulligans will be offered for $5 each – at a maximum of four per team – to help raise additional funds.

All of the net proceeds will go to Songs and Stories for Soldiers for the purchase of personal audio system players – MP3 players – for veterans. The non-profit foundation is dedicated to serving the needs of vets in the treatment of PTSD, sleep deprivation and suicide prevention.

Founded on Sanibel, Songs and Stories for Soldiers has helped over 120 veteran facilities across the country. It has distributed over 18,000 MP3s to vets for free, and its website offers free content.

The tournament entry fee is $48 for Dunes members and $58 for non-members.

After, stay and watch the final round of the PGA tournament on the big-screen televisions.

For more information or to sign up, visit

People can also sponsor a memorial sign for a tee or green in the name of a friend or family member who is a veteran living or passed for $100. For information, call Dan Perkins at 973-687-4826.

The Dunes Golf and Tennis Club is at 949 Sand Castle Road.