SIGC announces three hole-in-ones
It has been a fun two weeks at the Sanibel Island Golf Club, where there have been three hole-in-ones. First up was Joe Bridwell, who recorded his eighth career ace on the sixth hole. Next up was Tom Ware, who aced the 13th hole during the Men’s 4-Club Tournament. It was Ware’s first hole-in-one. Then Steven Garin, who just purchased a home along the 14th hole and was playing his first round at the club, aced the third hole. It was also Garin’s first hole-in-one. When asked about the recent number of aces, Club Pro Gene Taylor suggested that the course conditions are making a difference. He said that the tees and greens are the best he has ever seen, and the players are enjoying their rounds. When players are happy and comfortable, they make great swings, Taylor added.