San-Cap Orchid Society announces guest speaker for month

The Sanibel Captiva Orchid Society will meet on April 15 at 1:30 p.m. in the recently-remodeled downstairs meeting room at the Sanibel Public Library, at 770 Dunlop Road, Sanibel.
Guest speaker Carlos Cahiz, with OFE International, will speak on “Orchid Growing in Southwest Florida.” OFE International is an orchid supply company based in Homestead, on the east coast.
Orchid enthusiasts are encouraged to come at 1 p.m. for a fundamentals session, when members talk about orchid basics. In April, Tom Uhler speak on “Repotting: Why and When? But Not How!” Anyone with questions or an “ill” orchid that needs diagnosis can bring their plants to the meeting during show and tell.
Most meetings include an orchid sale, as well as a raffle.
Members are invited to participate in a monthly show at each meeting. Ribbons are awarded for the best hybrid and the best species orchids.
Membership is $25 per person or $45 for couples; guests are $5.
For more information, visit