
Cook speaks at ABWA monthly meeting

2 min read

At the March 26 meeting of the American Business Women’s Association Sanibel Captiva Charter Chapter, member Robin Cook presented the program Don’t Get Caught in the Dark!”

Cook, with The Sanibel Captiva Trust Company, highlighted the importance of financial planning for all ages, engaging the group is discussion of common pitfalls and solutions.

“Estate planning is a woman’s issue; be active in your financial life,” she said. “The average age a married woman is widowed in the U.S. in 56. We all need to know the vital steps to take now to feel confident when it’s time to pass the baton.”

Cook listed 42 essential documents everyone should assemble.

“The most important item is your list of trusted advisers,” she said.

The list included investment adviser, estate attorney, accountant, executor, banker and insurance agent.

Cook discussed issues effecting women at all ages of life, covering the best way to handle student loans, importance of starting financial planning in one’s 20s and goal of saving 20 percent annually for retirement.

Cook hails from Wisconsin and began vacationing regularly here as a child.

“Robin approaches these serious financial planning issues with mid-western common sense, incorporating a lighthearted tone that had us laughing,” President Gloria Garrett said.