
Tickets on sale for Blue Ribbon Classic

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MARK MARTENS From left, Ken Kouril, Melissa Congress, Art Cassell, Christian Fautz, Chuck Vilardi, Jason Maughan, Babs Maughan, Rob Lisenbee, Veronica Powers, Dana Foster and Bret Borshell.

The 11th annual Blue Ribbon Classic will be held on May 11 at The Sanctuary Golf Club, at 2801 Wulfert Road, Sanibel. The event raises funds for The Sanibel School Fund. The fund is a not-for-profit organization that raises money to support the school’s Spanish, STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Math – and Business Leadership programs. Some of the event highlights include: hole prizes; hole in one prize lease from Scanlon Lexus; helicopter golf ball drop; dinner, music, dancing and more; a silent and live auction; and golf cart raffle drawing. Limited golf tickets available. For more information or to purchase tickets for golf or the dinner, contact Babs Maughan at 239-314-4800 or