
SCIAR collecting donations for children

1 min read

The Sanibel & Captiva Islands Association of Realtors is holding a donation drive in March to collect items for Bedz for Kidz, a program administered by the Guardian ad Litem Foundation-20th Judicial Circuit on behalf of the Guardian ad Litem Program of Southwest Florida. Needed items include: pillows and pillow cases, twin flat and fitted sheets, crib mattress sheets, blankets and comforters, and stuffed animals; monetary donations are also accepted. Under the program, a volunteer advocate may request a warm cozy bed and bedding for a child in need of one. Last year, SCIAR and its affiliate business partners raised funds and collected items for the program. For more information, contact 239-472-9353 or stop by the office, at 2353 Periwinkle Way, Suite 201, Sanibel.