Revised assessment figures presented to CEPD

The Captiva Erosion Prevention District’s board continued to discuss the proposed apportionment methodology for the island’s 2020-2021 beach renourishment project at its regular meeting.
On March 11, consultants and economists Drs. William Stronge and Gary Jackson presented the revised assessment numbers for the project based on changes requested by the board. Some included extending the single-family recreational rate to multi-family with less than 10 units and providing a lower recreational rate to homesteaded single-family, multi-family with less than 10 and condos.
Stronge noted that institutional properties fall under the same recreational assessment.
“All receive the same rate as single-family residential,” he said.
They explained that the changes impact the tentative assessment base by increasing the revenue by about $1.34 million, while also decreasing it by $663,302 – an overall net gain of $676,036.
“This puts the two together to give you the revenue impact,” Stronge said.
The consultants also presented the board with alternative approaches to the storm assessments for Sunset Captiva in The Village zone, which has stemmed from debate over a Gulf-front common parcel. They proposed plans based on an ad valorem assessment style and benefit-based assessment style.
Stronge noted that under the ad valorem proposal, the largest share of the total assessments would be paid by the dozens of non-Gulf single-family properties as compared to the seven Gulf-front ones. This kind of anomaly is why past CEPD boards favored assessments over ad valorem to fund the projects.
He continued that the benefit-based proposal – or 50-50 split – ensures that the non-Gulf properties at least pay something in assessments for having use of and access to that common beach parcel.
“Our recommendation is that you adopt the 50-50 as the plan,” Stronge said.
He added that the CEPD and Sunset Captiva later could work on a different divide, if so desired.
A motion was made to adopt the 50-50 method, with the caveat it could be updated.
It failed in a 2-3 vote, with Secretary Harry Kaiser and Commissioner Dave Jensen voting yes and Chairman Mike Mullins, Vice Chair Michael Lanigan and Treasurer Bob Walter voting no.
The board directed staff to work with the consultants to provide additional data for review.
“I think we have some work to do on this recreational and storm damage information for the tentative apportionment,” Mullins said.
The first meeting for the public on the renourishment project, which was set for April 9, has been postponed. The CEPD will reschedule it once the board approves a tentative apportionment.
Also at the meeting, the board voted 5-0 to conduct a survey and title search of the Alison Hagerup Beach parking lot and provided its chair with the authority to approve the work if under $10,000.
Administrator Carolyn Weaver explained that recently hired Deputy Administrator Joe Wagenti discovered documentation indicating that South Seas Island Resort may own a majority of the lot. If true, it may be an issue when the CEPD installs water and electrical lines for the new restrooms.
Last month, the board voted to proceed with the purchase of the restroom trailer.
Weaver continued that a building permit is needed from the county before the water and electric companies can install the lines, so an updated survey is necessary prior to obtaining the permit. She added that the utilities need to be in place before the lot can be graded and the new trailer set up.
Walter voiced support for both a survey and title search, pointing out that if the CEPD has majority control then South Seas may be open to a land swap, which would increase the parking capacity.
“I think its prudent,” he said.
Also during the meeting, the board directed staff to come back with a proposal for the redesign of its website, which may entail Wagenti working directly with the programmers to complete the project.
Prior to the action, Wagenti reported that the CEPD had obtained three quotes for redesigning the website. They ranged from $3,200 to $4,500. However, Wagenti and Weaver explained for the board that he has experience and a background in website design and may be able to get it done cheaper.
“I would deal directly with the programmers,” Wagenti said.
– The board was presented with the draft of its FY2017-2018 financial audit.
– Weaver reported that new trash bins have been ordered for Alison Hagerup Beach Park.
– Jensen announced that he would be retiring from the board in the fall, so a seat will be open. In addition, Lanigan noted that he would be willing to step down if someone wanted to join the board.
“Replacing me would not be losing a valuable asset to the team,” he said.