
Monday After The Masters taking teams

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There are still openings for foursomes interested in registering for the Monday After The Masters.

A fundraiser to support the Captiva Community Panel and its work, it will take place on April 15 beginning at 3 p.m. with a shotgun start at the South Seas Island Resort. The event features hole-in-one and closest-to-the-pin contests, along with complimentary food and drinks in the Sunset Pavilion.

CCP President David Mintz thanked South Seas for serving as the sponsor.

“Monies raised through this event fund projects of great importance to our island community,” he said. “Current projects include the completion of our wastewater treatment study, constructing a safe sidewalk between our post office and Andy Rosse Lane, studying the effects of sea level rise on the island and the development of a resiliency program, controlling the growing iguana population, and creating a better hurricane communications network.”

“Without our volunteers and generous Monday after the Masters sponsors and players, the panel could not hope to serve Captiva in the way that this wonderful community deserves,” Mintz added.

Played on a nine-hole, par-27 executive course, the goal is to register a total of 18 teams.

“Last year’s event was quite a success,” Korey McCaffrey, marketing manager at South Seas, said.

She noted that the funds raised went toward the CCP’s 2018 initiatives for the community. In similar fashion, the monies raised at this year’s event will fund the panel’s 2019 initiatives for the island.

“It’s really a fun event,” McCaffrey added.

The teams will start out at different holes and work their way through the course. There will be $5,000 cash prizes at three holes for those who sink a hole-in-one, with items set up at the remaining holes.

“There are different prizes,” she said, citing golf clubs, airline tickets and TVs.

The closest-to-the-pin winners at each hole will compete in a Sunset Shootout on the ninth.

After the field of nine is narrowed down to three, the finalists must sink the putt to win cash prizes.

“The teams are also competing for an overall team prize,” McCaffrey said.

Trophies will be awarded to the first, second and third place winners.

The entry fee is $600 for a foursome.

“There’ll be food and appetizers in our new Sunset Pavilion that overlooks the golf course,” she said, adding that there will be cocktails and air conditioning. “We’re going to have a sweets display, as well.”

Spectators are also welcome in the Sunset Pavilion at $500 for up to six people.

They will also have access to the complimentary food and drinks.

“That gets you in,” McCaffrey said.

The remaining sponsorship opportunities range from $200 up to $1,500.

“Sponsorships are still available for anybody looking to get their name out there,” she said. “It’s a good way to get your business out there, while also supporting a really good cause.”

McCaffrey noted that volunteer opportunities are also available.

“We’re always in need of volunteers,” she said. “All of the holes require spotters.”

Citizens and visitors are encouraged to sign up.

“Everybody last year had such a good time. It’s such a nice afternoon,” McCaffrey said. “The views on the Captiva Course are sweeping. It’s such a pretty course – there’s not a bad hole on that course.”

To register, call 239-579-1462 or visit For more about sponsorships and volunteering, contact Korey McCaffrey at 239-579-1462 or

The South Seas Island Resort is at 5400 Plantation Road.