Jane Goodall topic of ‘Ding’ Darling film series showing

The seventh annual “Ding” Darling Wednesday Film Series will continue its biweekly showings on March 6 with a showing of “JANE.”
It will take place at 1 p.m. in the Visitor & Education Center at the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge, at 1 Wildlife Drive, Sanibel.
“JANE,” a National Geographic film, tells the story of Jane Goodall and her extraordinary work in the once male-dominated field of chimpanzee research. Called the “best documentary of 2017,” it uses never-before-seen footage that that has been locked away in National Geographic archives for over 50 years. “JANE” follows the trailblazing conservationist’s early journey and research in Tanzania.
“Ding” Darling Wildlife Society-Friends of the Refuge hosts the free film showings with sponsorship from Sanibel-Captiva Beach Resorts. Seating is limited and on a first-come basis.
The season’s remaining films are:
– March 20: “Invasion of the Giant Pythons”
– April 3: “Saving Atlantis”
A short discussion will follow each film to allow visitors to gain more from their documentary-viewing experience by listening to other people’s points of view and analyzing what they just watched.
For full film descriptions, visit dingdarlingsociety.org/articles/lecture-and-film-series.