
Brenda Higgonson featured as CCA’s final season artist

3 min read

The Captiva Civic Association will be hosting their final art show for the season, beginning with an opening reception on Friday, April 17 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., featuring the work of Brenda Higgonson.

“Brenda’s work has screamed ‘Show me!’ every time I have been witness to it,” said Kelsey Angstadt of the CCA’s art committee. “I am very excited to be able to assist in bringing her artistic style out to show at the community center.”

Higgonson is a self-taught artist who one day 10 years ago – when she was working in Yellowstone National Park – decided to begin painting.

“I bought a sketch pad and watercolor set like school children use. With each early painting I completed, I became more excited and intrigued with the idea that the simple tools of paint and paper could open a door to a world where the only limits were the limits of my own imagination,” she explained. “Complete freedom is hard to find in everyday life so I find it in art.”

Her affinity for bright, bold colors and dynamic composition are what make her pieces pop and she says that, while she doesn’t have a determinable or categorical style, she strives for her paintings to be “luminous” – to glow and shine.

“Muddy colors in art makes me sad. Bright, beautiful colors thrill me and hopefully that joy of color will be shared by others,” said Higgonson, who also revealed that there will be a “secret piece” in the show that glows in the dark. “If someone buys that one, they’ll have a nice surprise.”

Higgonson also said she finds inspiration just from living her life. Whether listening to music, taking in her surroundings, looking at trees and night skies – just to name a few.

“But inspiration is a coy and fickle friend. It shows up at the oddest times in the strangest places. But when inspiration does favor me with a visit, I welcome it in and offer refreshments, hoping it will stay awhile,” she said.

Captiva has been one of those loyal muses from Higgonson’s artistic career.

“Captiva’s splendor was a siren song that drew me back for a second time around. The bulk of my work has been completed in this gorgeous corner of the world,” Higgonson said, noting that she lived and worked at South Seas Island Resort for two years and fell in love with her surroundings.

Higgonson currently resides in the Santiva area, but is planning to leave for Bar Harbor Maine for the summer.

“I’ve never been there and and I don’t know anyone, I just feel the need for a new adventure. My mother calls me a hobo, but I prefer the word gypsy,” Higgonson said.

This will be Higgonson’s first showing at the CCA.

“I’m nervous and excited about my first show and putting my paintings out there. It’s how I imagine a parent feels on their child’s first day of school. I hope people are kind to them,” Higgonson said. “I’m glad my show will be on Captiva, this is where I’ve hit my artistic groove and where I’ve received so much encouragement. Kelsey Angstadt and CCA have given me a wonderful opportunity for a first show.”

The show is free and open to the public.

Those that are interested in viewing the exhibition but can’t make it to the opening of the show are invited to schedule a viewing appointment at the CCA by calling 472-2111.