Brain Fitness classes offered at SCA
The program of summer classes in Brain Fitness continues at the Sanibel Community Association with “Mindfulness and Memory” on Tuesday, June 16.
In this class, participants will learn the number one cause of forgetfulness and how to solve the problem with guided exercises. The class will be held from 10:30 a.m. until noon.
Brain fitness is a hot topic around the country as neuroscientists continue to study the capacity of the human brain to keep learning throughout life. In fact, studies show a correlation between lifelong mental stimulation and the delay or even prevention of dementia in old age.
In “Mindfulness and Memory,” participants are taught techniques recommended by top neuroscientists for focusing the mind. Developing heightened awareness, being super-conscious of what is going on around you, and learning to focus the mind have been shown to improve memory.
Also offered at the Sanibel Community Center is a program of computer-based brain fitness exercises on Wednesday afternoons from 1:30 to 3 p.m. No computer experience is necessary.
The fee for each class is $12, and participants can attend just one or all of the sessions as each is a stand-alone program; pre-registration is not necessary – just come! The Sanibel Community Association is located at 2173 Periwinkle Way.
For questions or more information, call Lynn at 472-5497.