Q&A with CROW’s new staffer Jennifer Roberts
Where did you grow up?
Lakeland, Fla.
We heard you started working for CROW. What brought you to the non-profit agency?
My last position was at Mote Marine Laboratory as their Development Director. I’ve always been interested in the environment, so this was a great transition.
As the new Development Director for CROW what are your goals?
My main goal is to get CROW in a position that we can handle our increasing patient load without compromising the care we are able to provide. I would also like to establish an endowment and increase awareness of our organization throughout the region.
Where do you call home? If you don’t live on Sanibel will you be looking to move here in the future?
I would love to live on Sanibel. However, I still have a house I’m trying to sell in Lakeland, so right now I live in Fort Myers.
What do you think Sanibel wildlife’s greatest threat is? How about asset?
The greatest threat and the greatest asset to wildlife is, unfortunately, the same…Us! We are the greatest predator….cars, growth, etc., but we also have the power to make a change and a difference.
Share a little bit about your experiences with wildlife and animals?
As a native Floridian, I’ve always been amazed by the wildlife we have here. I grew up around all sorts of animals and want to make sure my children are able to enjoy them as well. My most memorable experience is would have to be the first time I was able to be present for the feeding of the resident manatees we housed at Mote. Being that close to the animal was a very cool experience.
What is your favorite animal and why?
My favorite animal is the river otter. I just like watching them play, they seem very carefree.
What’s your family life like?
Well, I am still single and have no children, but I share my home with a 10-year-old shih tzu named Bubba…he pretty much runs things.
Where can islanders find you on a regular basis?
CROW! I’ve only been here a few weeks so I spend a lot of time at work right now. Hopefully soon you’ll be seeing me on the beach.
What are your long/short term goals?
In the short term, I would like to get more familiar with the island and the area. In the long term, I’d like to continue to make CROW a success, and more personally, start a family.
What is your secret to keeping a smile on your face every day?
I think you just have to live in the moment. I feel very fortunately to be where I am in my life. I try to find joy in the little things.