‘Ding’ Darling presents manatee program at Captiva Memorial Library
The Captiva Memorial Library’s 2010 summer reading program continued last Thursday with a special presentation from the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge all about manatees.
Joelle Hammes, a “Ding” STAR (Summer Teachers Assisting Refuge) teacher, educated the audience about the refuge and southwest Florida’s wild animals, with a special focus on the manatee.
At the end of the presentation, kids made their own manatee puppets to take home with them.
The Captiva Memorial Library’s summer programs will continue every Thursday at 3 p.m. until July 29.
On July 15, join “Coastie the Safety Boat” as the Coast Guard Auxiliary presents a special program on boating and water safety.
In addition to the special Thursday programs, the library is offering children and teens the opportunity to participate in the Lee County Library System’s “Make a Splash” summer reading program and the “Read it! Watch it! Win it!” program to win prizes.
For more information on upcoming special programs, “Make a Splash” and “Read it! Watch it! Win it!,”call 533-4890.
The Captiva Memorial Library is located at 11560 Chapin Lane.