Captiva kids get creative, patriotic at library event
Last Thursday, as part of the Lee County Library System’s 2009 “Be Creative @ Your Library” series, children visiting the Captiva Memorial Library were invited to create their very own patriotic craft.
Originally scheduled was the “Wild Wizard Show,” to be presented by the Edison-Ford Winter Estates, but unfortunately, the show was cancelled.
“Our wizard couldn’t make it, so today we’re making red, white and blue wind socks for the Fourth of July,” said library associate Naomi Pastor.
Pastor showed her attentive group what project they’d be working on for the afternoon, causing smiles and excited giggles to break out among the rapt audience.
After passing out plenty of red, white and blue construction paper, shiny foil stars, markers, pipe cleaners, stickers and plenty of glue, the kids set to work making their very own wind sock decorations.
Even the grown-ups got in on the fun and helped the kids with the more complex steps, like curling pipe cleaners, stapling and tying on strings.
Some of the clever youngsters opted to make decorative flags and banners instead of wind socks, but everyone got into the red, white and blue spirit, especially when Pastor began to play a CD of classic, patriotic songs.
Each child took their Fourth of July decorations home with them, and while they didn’t get to see the scheduled science show, there was plenty of invention and imagination to go around.
Tomorrow, Saturday, July 11 at 3 p.m. the library will be hosting “Papier Mache with DiVitto Kelly,” during which attendees will have the chance to make their very own papier mache flamingoes.
The Captiva Memorial Library is located at 11560 Chapin Lane. For more information, call 472-2133.