Progressive Club to host presentation
The Progressive Club of the Islands will hold a program, “The Fight Ahead for Women’s Reproductive Health in Florida,” on April 18 at 6 p.m. at The Community House, at 2173 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel.
The speaker will be Dawnyelle Singleton, one of the leaders of the “Yes on 4” campaign. It secured the over 1 million authorized signatures needed to place the abortion question on the November ballot.
The club reported that Florida is the site of two competing forces in women’s reproductive health. On one side is one of the strictest anti-abortion enactments in the country — a new law that will go into effect on May 1 prohibiting abortion after six weeks of pregnancy. On the other side is Referendum 4 that, if enacted into law by 60% of voters in November, would inscribe the standards of Roe v. Wade in the state constitution and enshrine a right to abortion up to “fetal viability,” usually about 24 weeks.
A native of Sarasota, Singleton is the manager of volunteers and community programs at Planned Parenthood Southwest and Central Florida. She oversees and executes community engagement initiatives across PPSWCF’s service region.
The program is open to the public.
A potluck buffet will be available before the program.
To RSVP, contact
For more information about the club, visit