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CCP updated on potential sewer project, more

By TIFFANY REPECKI / trepecki@breezenewspapers.com - | Apr 15, 2024

The Captiva Community Panel received updates on ongoing initiatives at its recent meeting, including the proposed septic-to-sewer conversion and the South Seas rezoning and Lee County legal efforts.

On April 9, panel President and Wastewater Committee Chair Jay Brown reported on the potential project of connecting Captiva to the city of Sanibel’s wastewater system. He reiterated that the city has completed two studies, which have revealed $20 million and $25 million in needed improvements.

The third and final study is an economic analysis to connect Captiva and the possible rates.

Brown reported the city commenced the final study a couple of days earlier.

The study is anticipated to be finished in early June.

Also during the meeting, Vice President David Mintz gave an update on South Seas’ redevelopment and rezoning and the county, on behalf of the Protect Captiva coalition of which the panel is a member.

He reiterated that a petition was filed with the Florida Department of Commerce challenging the county’s Land Development Code amendments as inconsistent with the governing of the Lee Plan. An informal hearing on the petition was held on April 4 and the state did not have a lot of questions.

Mintz reported that Protect Captiva expects a written decision from the state around May 7.

He continued that the coalition has also filed a complaint in Circuit Court seeking to enforce a 2003 Mediation Settlement Agreement that prohibits the county from issuing building permits for units within South Seas that would exceed 912 units at any time. In addition, South Seas has responded to the county’s “insufficient” finding of its plan application, which Protect Captiva will be reviewing.

Mintz added that South Seas will hold an Open House on April 25 about its redevelopment.


– Brown provided an update on Verizon and the project to improve service across the island. All five small cell towers have been installed, with full operation now expected between July and October.

– Mintz reported that he contacted the Lee County Department of Transportation about a possible pedestrian crosswalk for Sunset Captiva between the bayside condos and Gulf-side homes to improve safety. He is waiting to hear from officials and will schedule a meeting when he does to discuss it.

– Captiva Island Fire Control District Fire Chief Jeff Pawul reported that hurricane season is approaching, and he encouraged the island community to begin preparing. He noted that there are resources and information on the district’s website, plus people can contact him at the station.

Pawul also reported that spring breakers dug giant holes on the beach. District staff were able to fill in some of the holes, but some were too big. Hazard tape has been put up so people avoid those areas.

“Those are not sea turtle nests,” he said. “Those are hazardous areas.”

The district has contacted the Captiva Erosion Protection District about the situation.

– Lee County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Rich Zeltman reported on a recent burglary at YOLO Watersports that involved the theft of a golf cart. Security video helped them to identify and arrest the suspects.

“We wound up apprehending them,” he said.

Zeltman recommended that residents and businesses install security cameras if they have not.

“That helped us successfully capture those burglars,” he said.

Zeltman also reminded the public that the island has a no open container law in place.