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Club’s fundraiser to support local organizations, activities

By TIFFANY REPECKI / trepecki@breezenewspapers.com - | Mar 18, 2024

The Sanibel FlyFishers recently launched an online raffle to support its annual fundraising event.

Being held this year in conjunction with the showing of the Fly Fishing Film Festival (F3T), the club’s 2024 Spring Fundraiser kicked off on March 4 and tickets will be available until March 21 at 7 p.m.

“We have a great collection of guided fishing trips, some great fishing gear and fabulous original artwork,” the club shared.

Some of the raffle prizes up for grabs include the new Hardy Marksman 8 weight rod, guided fishing trips, pieces of artwork by members and friends, an Old Mariner Fly Reel, fly-casting lessons, a pair of Ariat Boots, a Sage Maverick 8 weight rod matched with a Spectrum 7/8 weight reel, a YETI cooler with Captains for Clean Water merchandise, and more.

“As always, proceeds will help local organizations and activities in support of our mission to promote fly fishing and community-based conservation through fishing activities, education, advocacy, community outreach and local philanthropy,” the club reported.

In the past, it has supported the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation’s Marine Lab with interns and needed equipment, the Sanibel Sea School, a scholarship for Florida Gulf Coast University’s Water School, Captains for Clean Water, Fish With A Hero and Project Healing Waters, among others.

“This year, the board has established a Philanthropy Committee, which will make recommendations about philanthropic grants for the coming year,” the club noted.

Each of the prizes has its own raffle.

“Each raffle is separate,” the club shared. “The more tickets you buy, the greater your chances.”

The public is encouraged to hop online and secure their tickets before the deadline.

SANIBEL FLYFISHERS A Sage Maverick 8 weight rod matched with a Spectrum 7/8 weight reel.

“By participating in this raffle, you’ll not only have the chance to win fantastic prizes but also contribute to important causes,” the club reported. “All winners will be notified by email.”

The F3T will take place on March 21 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Ron Dao’s Pizzeria and Sports Bar, at 15320 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers. The screenings of the short fly-fishing films will start at 6 p.m.

The winners of the raffles will drawn after the showing of the films. Pizza will be available for a suggested donation of $3 per slice. The restaurant also offers a full bar and beverage service.

“Experience the magic of fly fishing through a captivating selection of films that showcase the beauty of nature and the adrenaline of fishing adventures,” the club noted. “Join us for a night of camaraderie, fun and unforgettable moments in the world of fly fishing.”

Tickets are $20 for non-members.


For more information about the event or tickets, visit Sanibelff.org.

For more information on the raffle, including to view the prizes and purchase tickets, visit http://sanibelff.eventgroovefundraising.com/sanibelff2024 or scan the QR Code.

SANIBEL FLYFISHERS A YETI cooler with Captains for Clean Water merchandise.

SANIBEL FLYFISHERS An Old Mariner Tarpon Supreme Reel 10-12 weight.

MICHAEL B. KARAS “Magnificent Morning”