Author releases ‘After the Storm’ book
Sanibel resident and author Angelika Geerlof announced the publication of her new book, “After the Storm: A Post Ian Photo Anthology.” The 115-page, full-color, high-definition anthology is a post-hurricane compilation of photos and quotations depicting and precipitated by Ian’s aftermath. It aims to provide joy, hope and inspiration for the future of Sanibel. Geerlof survived the hurricane with her son and two dogs after being in the surge for three hours holding on to palm and sea grape trees. The cost is $55. It is available at: the Island Market, at 1609 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel; Tuttle’s Seahorse Shell Shop, at 362 Periwinkle Way, Suite 3, Sanibel; and Whitney’s Bait & Tackle, at 1554 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel. The book can also be purchased by contacting Geerlof at or on Venmo at sanibelmoodscapes. Her previous books are “Sanibel Treasures” and “Sanibel Moodscapes.”