Three snowy plover, one Wilson’s plover nests
Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation Shorebird Biologist Audrey Albrecht reported that there were three active snowy plover nests and a Wilson’s plover nest on the islands as of April 22.
Officials were expecting to find more very soon.
Least terns, which typically begin nesting in early May, have returned from their wintering grounds. They may return to Bowman’s Beach, go to North Captiva or opt to nest on nearby gravel roofs.
The SCCF will continue to monitor and protect the terns as needed.
Officials reported that each snowy plover receives a metal band issued by the U.S. Bird Banding Lab. It is essentially its social security number, as it has a unique number on it. In addition, each Sanibel snowy plover receives a single green band on the lower leg below the metal one. It serves as its Sanibel identification, and differentiates from snowy plovers banded elsewhere. The two colors on the lower leg opposite the metal act as its individual identifier on Sanibel.
For information on photographing nesting shorebirds and other best practices, visit the FWC Shorebird Friendly Photography brochure at
For question on the SCCF program, contact