
Year in Photos: 2014

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The Committee of the Island turns 40 years old in January. The group has been an influential one for the last four decades for keeping Sanibel Island in its natural state. BRIAN WIERIMA
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The unfortunate drownings of two men stunned Sanibel in mid-December. Both bodies were recovered with the help of several agencies of the Fort Myers area. BRIAN WIERIMA
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The City of Sanibel turned 40 years old in 2014. There was a festive event held at City Hall with a very good turnout. BRIAN WIERIMA
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The City of Sanibel held a nice Memorial Day presentation for veterans at City Hall. The Sanibel Cub Scouts were a part of the event. BRIAN WIERIMA
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The CROW Taste of the Islands were once again a huge success, which were held at the Dunes Golf and Tennis Club. BRIAN WIERIMA

Looking back, 2014 was a fun and historical year, important in the remembrance of the 10-year anniversary of Hurricane Charley, its impact and devastation, fun because so many good things happened in Sanibel and Captiva.

Islanders and visitors, for instance, celebrated July 4 and Sanibel’s 40th anniversary, honored workers and veterans, enjoyed Thanksgiving, outdoor markets and holiday festivals like Luminary.

There were also anniversaries and community events like Islands Night, the fall BaileyFest, Thanksgiving at the Community House, Ding Darling Days, sea turtle/wildlife projects, the Santa Run, the Captiva Golf Cart Parade, important fundraisers like the Ding Darling/Doc Ford’s Tarpon Tournament to benefit veterans and celebrate the Gulf coast’s resources and abundant beauty.

Acknowledging the contributions of the past, applauding one another, and embracing life, each make island living so special.