Annual Fall Book Sale Kicks off Friday
Books began filling the Cape Coral Library’s large meeting room Wednesday morning as the Friends of the Library started sorting through the collection to get ready for the annual Fall Book Sale, which will kick off today for members, Friday for the general public.
The Friends of the Library spent all day Wednesday and the majority of the day Thursday organizing and separating the books into different categories, so individuals could find what they are looking for better.
President of the Friends of the Cape Coral Library Paula Novander said they should have about 10,000 books this year for the sale. She said the majority of the books that are donated are provided by the public.
“We have more than ever this year,” she said.
Some of the books include German and Spanish fiction books. Novander said someone donated a ton of German books for the sale.
Individuals can donate books to the library any time throughout the year, which will be used for the book sales.
Each sale generates between $5,000 and $6,000, which directly benefits the library.
The annual Fall Book Sale will kick off today for members only from 3 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
The sale will open for the public on Friday, Nov. 18, from 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., and on Saturday, Nov. 19, from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.
The hard cover books will sell for $2; paperbacks for 75 cents; trade paperbacks for $1, DVDs for $3; VCR tapes for 50 cents and books on CD for $5.
Once the sale ends, Novander said the books are boxed up and sold to a wholesaler.
She said all the books that are in the Fall Book Sale are brand new to them from the last six months.
“We box everything up and it is wholesaled and we start over again,” Novander said.
Cape Coral-Lee County Public Library Regional Manager and Principal Librarian Tori Hersh said last year the Friends of the Library donated $4,000 in monetary aspects alone.
“We really couldn’t do it without them,” she said. “We are really thankful for them and all that they do. The Friends of the Library show up when we need funds to keep the library going.”
The money that the Friends donate to the library helps pay for programs that are offered to children and adults.
Novander said two years ago the county still paid for programs for the library and now the Friends are providing funds that are more directly related to kid’s programs.
Last November the Friends of the Library donated $20,000 to the Cape Coral Library, which helped fund the automated material handling system.
She said the Friends also do much more than provide funds for the library, which includes advocacy for the library.
The Friends of the Library talk with the legislatures in Tallahassee, along with the Lee County commissioners to bring more money to the library system.
“They are essential to the livelihood of the library,” Hersh said. “They bring a lot to the table, they do so much for us. It is hard not to praise them.”
They also provide a lot of manhours to the library, which helps in their everyday operations. She said their volunteerism is strong.
The Friends also sponsor and put together the Art Gallery, which has been known to attract nationally known artists. The butterfly garden also is maintained by Friends of the Library volunteers.