Island Democrats host Welcome Back Potluck Supper
On Thursday, Oct. 20 at 6 p.m., the Democratic Club of the Islands will hold its Welcome Back Potluck Supper at the Sanibel Community House, located at 2173 Periwinkle Way.
The annual get-together, a potluck dinner, is held to renew old friendships, learn about the club’s plans for its monthly events, and to hear how to get involved in grassroots Florida politics. Entree meats and beverages will be provided by the club, and members are asked to bring a dish to share.
The Democratic Club is honored to have National Political Consultant Bob Schaeffer as its featured speaker. Bob will discuss “Looking Ahead to 20l2.” A question-and-answer period will give members the chance to explore controversial state and national changes in issues such as Vote-By-Mail, Redistricting and other voter-suppression attempts.
Democrats will also hear from the Lee County Democratic Party Chairwoman Sandra McClinton discussing opportunities for volunteering with ongoing Democratic efforts, and will have the change to meet Lydia Sherman, the Democratic State Committee Woman for Lee County discussing activities at the Florida state level.
All Democratic Club of the Islands members are strongly encouraged to attend, as are any other area Democrats or Lee County people wishing to get involved in Democratic politics or simply to become better informed about the issues.
The Democratic Club of the Islands is an authorized organization of the Lee County Democratic Executive Committee, organized to stimulate interest in political and governmental affairs, to educate the electorate about issues, to further the ideals and principles of the Democratic Party and to support Democratic Party nominees in national, state and local elections.
Contact the DCI via e-mail at or call 395-9078 for more information.