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Edison & Ford Winter Estates offers new kids education program series

By Staff | Oct 11, 2011

The Edison & Ford Winter Estates newest education program series is a child and parent class for children ages 1 to 3 years and their parents to involve children and families in informal learning at the world famous historical site. Grandparents and caregivers are invited and neighborhood groups are also encouraged to attend.

The classes will be themed based and combine science, invention, story book reading and hands-on activities and include immersion into the historic gardens, historic buildings and museum.

The Learning Classes will be offered year-round twice per month, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., and parents can select specific dates or come regularly:

Oct. 20 – Pumpkin Party

Nov. 3 – The Wheels on the Ford

Nov. 17 – Gobble Gobble

Dec. 1 – Soaring in the Sky

Dec. 15 – See Santa

Jan. 5 – Joyful Jumping

Jan. 19 – Funky Fish

Feb. 2 – Lots of Lights

Feb. 16 – Bubble Mania

March 1 – Fun Flowers

March 15 – Edison & Ford Animals

April 5 – In the Garden

April 19 – Fantastic Fruit

The fee for class (includes one parent and one child) is $5 for Estates members; $15 for non members; $5 additional child. Reservations are requested by calling the Estates Education Department at 239-334-7419. Classes will not meet during May through September to allow for summertime family vacations.

The Estates is open daily from 9 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. The Estates is the winner of the 2009 National Stewardship Award from the National Trust for Historic Preservation and is an official project of “Save America’s Treasures” at the National Trust for Historic Preservation, a Florida Historic Landmark and a National Register Historic Site.

For additional information, call 239-334-7419 or visit www.edisonfordwinterestates.org.