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City to conduct Hurricane Seminar next week

By Staff | Aug 10, 2010

The City of Sanibel is sponsoring the 2010 Hurricane Seminar for island residents, property owners, business owners and island workers on Thursday, Aug. 19 from 1 to 3 p.m. at BIG Arts, located at 900 Dunlop Road.

The seminar is free and reservations are not required. Please take the time to attend this seminar to ensure that you have all the important and up-to-date information relative to the city’s Hurricane Plan and personal hurricane planning. 

Dave Roberts, the City of Sanibel’s official weather consultant, will provide weather related information on how a hurricane forms, where and when they are most likely to form, dangers associated with the different categories of hurricanes, and the dangers of storm surge.

Other featured speakers will include:

• Sanibel Fire and Rescue District Assistant Chief Matt Scott, who will discuss the Fire Department’s role.

• Lee County Emergency Operations Planning Chief Gerald Campbell, who will review hurricane planning for families and their responsibilities.

• City of Sanibel Building Official Harold Law, who will review City of Sanibel building codes.

Main topics to be discussed will be the 2010 hurricane predictions, the Special Needs Program, Family Hurricane Planning and City of Sanibel building codes.

For additional information, visit www.mysanibel.com.