Simon’s novel, a mystery set in Boston, is the first in a series featuring Max Lovely, a seemingly sluggish detective with surprising powers of perception, a dangerous overabundance of empathy, and a strange collection of friends.

The author, a resident of Fort Myers, spent more than 10 years bedridden with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome."/>

Simon’s novel, a mystery set in Boston, is the first in a series featuring Max Lovely, a seemingly sluggish detective with surprising powers of perception, a dangerous overabundance of empathy, and a strange collection of friends.

The author, a resident of Fort Myers, spent more than 10 years bedridden with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome."/> Simon to read novel at Sanibel Island Bookshop | News, Sports, Jobs - SANIBEL-CAPTIVA - Island Reporter, Islander and Current
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Simon to read novel at Sanibel Island Bookshop

By Staff | Dec 7, 2009

Local author Matthew Simon will read from his novel, “The Chosen Few,” at the Sanibel Island Bookshop on Wednesday, Dec. 16 at 5:30 p.m.

Simon’s novel, a mystery set in Boston, is the first in a series featuring Max Lovely, a seemingly sluggish detective with surprising powers of perception, a dangerous overabundance of empathy, and a strange collection of friends.

The author, a resident of Fort Myers, spent more than 10 years bedridden with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. During those years of forced silence, the Max Lovely series evolved as a form of internal entertainment. Simon has since recovered his health. After reading from the novel, Simon will lead a discussion about his book, fiction writing, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other topics.

The reading will be held at the Sanibel Island Bookshop, located at 1571 Periwinkle Way. For more information, please call the Sanibel Island Bookshop at 472-5223.