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Sanibel School PTA Yard Sale is Saturday

By Staff | Mar 19, 2009

The 2nd Annual Sanibel School PTA Yard Sale will be held on Saturday, March 21 from 7:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.

All Sanibel School families are invited to set up tables and sell their treasures. We will begin setting up around 7 a.m. Please join us whenever you wish. If anyone can bring or put up signage along the roads that morning, it would be much appreciated.

All participants are required to:

Provide adult supervision of both your children and your items for sale during the entire time of the sale

Bring your own money box with change, tables to place your items on, and your valuable treasurers to sell

Remove any remaining items by 12:30 p.m.

The first yard sale was a real success. We all had fun and the kids work hard to earn money for their field trips.

If you would like to particpate in this sale, please e-mail Diane Silhavy at disilhavy@yahoo.com or call her at 472-6089.