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Jennings appointed to 2009 National League of Cities Committee

By Staff | Mar 11, 2009

On Tuesday, Sanibel City Councilman Jim Jennings was officially appointed to the 2009 National League of Cities Energy, Environment and Natural Resources (EENR) Policy and Advocacy Committee.

The Committee will ensure that the National League of Cities (NLC) positions are current and representative of the views of the nation’s local elected officials.

In addition, the Policy and Advocacy Committee serves as the first-line advocates for promoting priority positions to Congress, as well as assisting the National League of Cities in identifying solutions to local challenges.

The National League of Cities divides its issue management work into seven subject committees. Each area is managed by a Policy and Advocacy Committee along with a smaller working Steering Committee. Members develop federal policy positions, explore how issues affect cities locally, and participate in targeted advocacy efforts.

“This appointment provides Sanibel and all of Florida a strong voice at the Federal level as Environmental and Energy policies are drafted,” said Jennings. “This is a great opportunity to pursue Sanibel’s environmental priorities, advocating adoption of national policies consistent with the Sanibel Plan.”

Committee leadership is selected annually by the NLC President. Policy and Advocacy Committee members are appointed directly by their state municipal leagues.

The input the EENR Committee provides will guide the development of the 2009 work plan. The proposed priorities for the EENR Committee are as follows:

NLC Action Plan on Sustainability

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Water Supply Planning

Producer Responsibility/Electronic Waste

The EENR Policy Committee is serving as the lead committee for managing the overall efforts as well as focusing on the primary energy and environmental issues.

Jennings also serves on the Board of Directors of the Florida League of Cities, the FLC Legislative Committee and as President of the Southwest Florida League of Cities. He represents Sanibel City Council on the Lee County Horizon Council and serves as Council liaison to the Parks and Recreation Committee.